Rabu, 25 November 2009


Nama kelompok

1. Khairil Anam (06.2009.1.05095)
2. Budi Hendra Dinata (06.2009.1.05093)
3. Dwi Prayitno (06.2009.1.05139)

Judul Proposal

1. Printer dalam laptop
2. Modem Berbentuk Gelang
3. Listrik Alternatif
4. Laptop dengan kamera ganda (depan belakang)

Kamis, 05 November 2009

Computer Networking

• The object of networking is communication between applications on different computers
• The networking consist of Lan, Man , Wan
• Four Steps to Networking
1. Communicating across a link
2. Connecting together multiple links (internetworking)
3. Finding and routing data to nodes on internetwork
4. Matching application requirements
A. First step : Creating a link between nodes

• Types of Links
a) Point to point b) Multiples access

• Packet Transmission Modes
Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast, Anycast
• Switch network : moves bits between links ,Packet switching and Circuit switching
• Packet switching : Interleave packets from different sources
• Statistical Multiplexing Gain
1 Mbps link; users require 0.1 Mbps when transmitting; users active only 10% of the time.
• Characteristics of Packet Switching
Store and forward ; Packets are self contained units,Can use alternate paths – reordering
B. Second Step: Internet[work]
1. A collection of interconnected networks
2. Host: network endpoints (computer, PDA, light switch, …)
3. Router: node that connects networks
4. Internet vs. internet
• Challenge
1. Many differences between networks : Address formats,Performance – bandwidth/latency,
Packet size, Loss rate/pattern/handling, Routing.
2. How to translate between various network technologies
C. Third Step
1. Naming , Domain Name System, Packet Routing/Delivery, Address Resolution Protocol, Routing
D. Fourth Step: Application Demands
1. Reliability : Corruption, Lost packets
2. Flow and congestion control
3. Fragmentation
4. In-order delivery
• Problem: Network Overload
• Network Functionality Summary : Link,Multiplexing , Routing, Addressing/naming (locating peers),Reliability, Flow control, Fragmentation.
• Layering is Modular approach to network functionality
• Protokol: Module in layered structure
• E.g.: OSI Model: 7 Protocol Layers : Physical, Data link , Network ,Transport, Session, Presentation, Application
• Lecture Tropick : Traditional and Resent Tropics
• Design Considerations : determine split of functionality, Assigned Reading

Nama : Khairil Anam
NPM : 06 2009 1 05095
No abs : 22

Rabu, 04 November 2009


Sistem operasi terdiri dari :

  1. Softawre tersembunyi 1

  2. Software tersembunyi 2

  3. Software tyersembunyi 3

Perkembangan system operasi

  1. MS Dos

Mempergunakan antarmuka untuk pengguna dengan commamd line

  1. Microsoft windows

Menggunakan antar muka dengann warna warni

  1. Windows 95

Windows 95 tidak memerlukan preinstallED DOS Akan tetapi intruksi DOS masih bisa dijalankan

  1. Windows 98

Windows 98 merupakan variasi dari windows 95 dan punya tampilan yang sama

  1. Windows ME ( Milenium Edition )

Anggota lainnya darii windows 9x adalah windows millennium edition

  1. Windows NT (New Teknologi)

Windows ini banyak digunakan diperusahaan

  1. Windows 2000

Windows ini adalah generasi terakhir dari seri windows NT

  1. Windows XP

Terdapat fasilitas koneksi internet

  1. Mac os

  2. UNIC

  3. LINUX

Linux mengunakan command line interface

  1. Sistem operasi jaringan

  2. Sistem operasi computer besar

  3. Resource allocation

  4. Multiprograming

  5. Time sharing

  6. Sharing Memory

  7. Virtual Storage

  8. Memory Protaction

  9. File Manager

  10. Defragmenter


  1. Alat hgitung tradisional dan kalkulator mekanik (5000 tahun yang lalu)

  2. Komputer generasi pertama ( 1941)

  3. Komputer generasi ke 2 (1948)

  4. Komputer generasi ke 3 (1958)

  5. Komputer generasi ke 4 (1980)

  6. Komputer generasi ke 5 (2001)